More than 20 Million employees can now benefit from the right to request to work flexibly. Previously the right was only available for carers or those looking after children, however as of the 30 June 2014, the right is extended to all employees.
The ability to work flexibly allows workers to better balance their work life with other responsibilities. The benefit for business and employers is that it allows them to keep their employees long term, and keep a hold of their most talented workers.
Nick Clegg, Deputy Prime Minister said: "Modern businesses know that flexible working boosts productivity and staff morale, and helps them keep their top talent so that they can grow. It’s about time we brought working practices bang up to date with the needs, and choices, of our modern families."
It is anticipated that the new right will be of particular interest to young people who wish to continue to learn or train while they work, and also to older people who wish to work differently as they approach retirement.
Employee requests must be considered reasonably by employers and their ability to manage requests will be assisted by an accompanying code, published by Acas.
Acas Chair Brendan Barber said: "Our experience from working with thousands of employers is that flexible working is both good for business and employees.The new Code will help employers handle flexible working requests in a reasonable manner and fit their specific circumstances and procedures. We have also produced a good practice guide with practical examples to help employers and businesses consider some of the key issues that may pop up."
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