Employment Law Advice for Employees

We provide tailored and innovative solutions.

Employment Law for Employees Solicitors, Glasgow

Our employment lawyers in Glasgow can assist with a wide range of employment and workplace-related issues, and seek to provide practical advice and look at all possible options for resolving your employment concerns.

We can assist at any stage of a dispute, from advising on how to try and resolve an ongoing workplace dispute, your rights if you are going through a disciplinary or grievance procedure to negotiating a settlement, pursuing ACAS Early Conciliation or raising and pursuing an employment tribunal claim.

We understand that you may have a limited budget if your employment has ended or concerns about the cost of advice and this is something we will discuss with you and take into account in our advice on the options available. We can also act under the terms of Legal Expenses Insurance if you have such a policy.

Contact our award winning employment lawyers today for specialist advice on 0141 221 1919 or fill in our online contact form.

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The areas we can advise on include the following:

  • Disciplinary or grievance issues in the workplace, including assisting with raising a grievance or appealing a grievance or disciplinary decision.
  • Advice on the terms of Settlement Agreements provided by your employer. Often your employer will make a contribution to your legal costs for obtaining advice on this type of agreement;
  • Unfair Dismissal;
  • Bullying in the Workplace;
  • If you are facing Discrimination in the Workplace, including:
    • Discrimination on grounds of sex, race or ethnic origin, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, religion or belief, pregnancy or maternity or marriage or civil partnership status.
    • Failure to make reasonable adjustments for a disability
    • Sexual Harassment
  • Maternity/Paternity Rights and other Family Friendly Rights such as adoption leave shared parental leave and parental bereavement leave;
  • Redundancy; If you are made redundant due to your employer being insolvent and going into administration or liquidation, we can assist with claiming payments you are entitled to, and may be able to pursue a group claim for failure to consult if there are a number of employees in the same position (see below).
  • Group claims, including equal pay actions and collective redundancies (such where there is a claim for a protective award for failure to inform and consult).
  • Contracts and contractual disputes, including issues with Pay/Bonus or Restrictive Convenants which apply on termination of employment;
  • Your rights under the TUPE Regulations if your employer is undergoing a sale or transfer of the business;
  • Whistleblowing;
  • Employment Tribunal Claims;
  • Disputes about Employment Status. If you are considered by your employer not to be an ‘employee’, you may be able to dispute this, or may have rights under employment law as a ‘worker’.
  • Data Protection Rights;
  • Representation in disciplinary proceedings for regulated professionals. If you are a professional subject to registration of a regulatory body, you may have the right to a legal representative in any disciplinary proceedings which may result in your registration being terminated. We have acted as representatives in such proceedings and succeeding in achieving positive outcomes.

We have experience in a wide range of sectors.

Need expert employment tribunal representation in Scotland?

Contact our award winning employment lawyers today on 0141 221 1919 or fill in our online contact form.

Thank you very much for your excellent advice and support throughout the whole process, which I have valued greatly.


Our team regularly appear in the Employment Tribunal and are experienced in these matters. We seek to give practical and purposeful advice to assist our clients in understanding their legal rights and obligations and in pursuing desired outcomes.

Contact our expert employment Law solicitors in Glasgow today on 0141 473 6745 or fill in our online contact form.

Settlement Agreements
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News & Insights

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Navigating Workplace Sexual Harassment: Responsibilities and Best Practices for Employers
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Wednesday, 19 February 2025
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Tuesday, 18 February 2025
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