A licence issued by the Licensing Authority (Council) which permits certain types of entertainment to be offered to the public or for the public to take part in activities. A PEL is required regardless of whether payment is made for entry or participation.
The scope of Public Entertainment Licensing varies hugely across Scotland. Each individual Council requires to state what type of entertainment they consider ‘licensable’ by way of a resolution. This may include concerts, funfairs, agricultural shows, circuses, firework displays, snooker, children’s play centres etc. Any entertainment not provided for within the resolution falls outwith the scope of the regime.
Regardless of where you are in Scotland a PEL is not required in the following circumstances:
Each Licensing Authority has the ability to determine area specific exemptions. For example, they may resolve that a PEL is not required for spectator based entertainment for less than 500 persons or that community based events are exempt. This information is generally available on the licensing pages of the Council’s website.
If the entertainment being provided is referred to in the resolution and none of the exceptions apply you will need a PEL even where you have applied for an Occasional Licence. A previous exemption was removed from legislation.
If you have a Premises Licence you will only need a PEL where the entertainment is being provided outwith your licensed hours.
It is possible to apply for a PEL on a temporary basis. The process is more streamlined and the fees are significantly lower. A temporary Public Entertainment Licence (TPEL) can last from 1 day to 6 weeks.
Allow for a long lead in time for a PEL or a TPEL as some Councils require up to 6 months’ notice, particularly for large scale events. There may also be a pre-application consultation stage to consider. Contact the team on 0141 333 0636 for advice and assistance with your application.