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Blog Entries
Family Law Blog
12 Days of Christmas Thoughts
50,000 more children to Benefit from Maintenance Payments
Adoption Week: 14th – 18th November 2022
American lawyers report greater use of prenuptial agreements
And The Snow Might Come …
Are you separated or divorced and travelling abroad with your child during the October school holiday?
Calls for Children to Come First in Divorce Situations
Calls for the introduction of “Eve’s law”
Can using Twitter damage your relationship?
Carers (Scotland) Act 2016 Update
Caring for your future
CD v ND 2024 CSOH 98
Change for Divorced Spouses
Child Abduction - Can a Parent Return Home With a Child?
Child maintenance still isn’t working for many
Child Support
Child Support
Civil partnership or cohabit – which is better?
Clare’s Law Unveiled in Scotland
Cohabitation Agreements - are they worthwhile?
Commission recommends binding prenups in England
Committee continues to hear evidence on same-sex marriage Bill
Controversy over Shared Parenting Claims
Divorce in Scotland
Divorce increasing among Baby Boomers
Divorce settlement awarded despite existence of prenup
Domestic violence victims to receive lottery funding
Doubts over whether a ‘good separation’ is possible
Europe signs up to child support Convention
Every Photo Does Not Tell the Story You Might Think…
Family courts caught up in divorce ‘scam’
Family Law Advice For Business Owners
Family type has little impact on children’s happiness
Fatal Crash Caused by “Overweight” Plane
FATHERS - How do I obtain parental rights and responsibilities?
Fewer separating couples are trying mediation
Financial Provision on Divorce – What you need to know
Focus on expert evidence in family courts
For Women Scotland unsuccessful in their second action against the Scottish Government
Forced marriage in Scotland
Guide to Divorce and Dissolution of Civil Partnerships in Scotland
Higher earning mothers don’t increase the divorce risk
How can I avoid making redundancies in the coronavirus crisis?
How is Matrimonial Property Divided on Divorce?
Issues in Ending a Relationship: Is Cohabiting any less Complicated than Marriage?
It’s Good to Share
January Typically Busiest Month for Divorce Enquiries
Judicial review into Children and Young People Bill
LGBT Domestic Violence Victims Suffer Alone
Major review of police response to domestic violence
Majority of Adults Believe in Equal Childcare
Many Leave Families with No Inheritance Due to Wills
Marriage and civil partnership in Scotland
Massive reform of child maintenance picks up pace
Matrimonial Property and Divorce – ‘Who Gets What?’
Measures to tackle domestic violence
MEPs call for equal property rights
Missing Persons Law to Come Into Force in England and Wales
More women dissolve civil partnerships than men
Mother's Day
Mother’s Day for the Modern Family
MSPs vote to legalise same sex marriage
Named Person Scheme Update
Navigating the Challenges of Living 'Separated Together'
New FCO figures reveal a rise in parental child abductions
New rules now in place for how children's views are heard in court
No Longer ‘Cohabiting’: Claiming Against a Former Cohabiting Partner
Northern Ireland Rejects Same Sex Marriage
Not everything is PITCH PERFECT!
Oh my DOG… who gets the pet when couples split?
Outdoor drinking is here to stay!
Parental divorce is linked to raised inflammation
Parental Leave Law Takes Effect Across the UK
Parental Rights & Contact Arrangements
Parents Informed About Child Maintenance Changes
Partner Lorna Bennie to represent Miller Samuel at Family law Collaborative Conference.
Planning a same sex wedding
Policy on cohabitation rights
Pre-Nuptial Agreements & Post-Nuptial Agreements
Pre-Nuptial and Cohabitation Agreements
Pre-nuptial and Post-nuptial Agreements in Scotland for Business Owners and Others
Prenuptial agreements: why they're not just for celebrities and high net worth couples
Relationships and Relocations
Returning To Court
Same-sex marriage Bill makes progress
Same-sex marriage Bill published
Same-sex marriage moves a step closer
Scottish Courts encouraging the views of children to be taken into account
SCRA publishes its Corporate Plan
Seat belt law has saved countless lives
Separating in uncertain times
Separation Abroad
Separation Agreements
Separation and Divorce in Scotland
Single parent myth-busting
Statistics Reveal Extent of Domestic Abuse
Study into child maintenance arrangements and benefits
Study Reveals Rise in Shared Custody Arrangements
Supreme Court gives ruling in international child custody case
Supreme Court rules in international custody case
Survey reveals some interesting divorce facts
Taking the kids abroad? The travails of relocating with children
The ongoing impact of Covid-19 on exercising contact with your child
The Right of Every Child to Have a “Named Person” to be Challenged
Things to consider when divorcing over 50
Two homes work better for children after separation
Understanding Domestic Abuse in Scotland: Your Guide to Legal Remedies with Police and Family Law Solicitors
Understanding Pet Ownership and Care Arrangements During Divorce Proceedings in Scotland
Understanding the “Relevant Date” in Scottish Family Law and Why it Matters
Valentine’s Day - not for the faint hearted
Warning over quickie celebrity divorces
Wedding season – what’s in a name?
What financial support, if any, am I entitled to from my Spouse following our separation?
What happens to joint property when cohabitation ends?
What is a Separation Agreement and When Might I Need to Use One?
What is a “quickie” divorce?
What's in a Name?
Who decides where a child is to live following the separation of parents?
Who gets the family pet following a divorce?
Wise Up To Break Up - 6 Family Law Advice Tips for Business Owners
Woman Allowed To Make A Divorce Claim After 18 Years
World Children's Day
World Parent Day
Younger Generation Much Less Likely to Marry
Employment Law
"Ask the Expert" Employment Law Seminar - Wednesday 23rd March 2016
"Ask the Expert" Employment Law Seminar 7th September
'Are your employees getting home safely?'
'Eat, drink and be merry!'
2023 UCI Cycling World Championships: Access to Work
8 Important Employment Law Cases in 2018
A workers’ right to rest breaks- a question that needs to be asked?
ACAS Early Conciliation- what does it mean for employers?
ACAS Issue Guidance to Employers on Dress Codes
Acas welcomes Enterprise Bill
Admissibility of settlement discussions in court
Adverse Weather and Travel Disruption
Advice on Limiting the Role of HR in the Disciplinary Process
Agency Workers Entitlements
Alert – A Further Update on The Enforcement of The Employment (Allocation of Tips) Act 2023
Alert – The Latest Update on The Enforcement of Employment (Allocation of Tips) Act 2023
All work and no play? – Relationships at work and potential pitfalls for Employers
All “Duncan” and Dusted with carry-over entitlements? Not quite, but hopefully getting there.
Annual Leave & Holiday Pay
April Employment Update
April rains for employers with raft of new legislation
Are Contemporary Employment Laws Fit for Purpose?
Assault on a work night out – vicarious liability
AWR- What are they good for...?
Back to Basics: How to Deal with Stress in the Workplace?
Back to Basics: What Amounts to a Disability?
Barristers Condemn Rise In Cost of Employment Tribunals
Belfast woman wins £2,000 against concert security staff in diabetes discrimination case
Belief in Scottish Independence protected by the Equality Act 2010
Breaking Employment Law News: Holiday pay should include overtime
Breaking Employment Law Updates
Breast Cancer Awareness Month: An Employer's Guide
Brexit - Employment Law Implications
Brexit and the GDPR – What Has Changed?
Brexit – Approval of Employment Regulations
Burnt-out Britain
Calls for changes to treatment of whistleblowers
Calls for employers to support foster carers
Calls for greater commitment to women in the workplace
Calls for more action on workplace equality
Calls for transferable system of ‘granny leave’
Can you be discriminated against for being vegetarian?
Changes to Employment Contracts: What Do I Need To Know?
Changes to furlough scheme in coming months
Changes to Leave Requirements
Changes to Minimum Wage
Changes to taxation of settlement agreements
Changes to Taxation of Settlement Payments
Changes to the Law on Tipping
Chelsea’s Team Doctor Settles Tribunal Claim
Christmas Crackers - Top Tips For Employers This Christmas
CIPD calls for extension of right to request flexible working
CIPD comments on Shared Parental Leave
CIPD queries ‘owner-employees’ plan
CIPD welcomes settlement agreement proposals
CJEU Advocate General Opinion on Obesity as a Ground of Discrimination
Cleaners Fighting Back at the London School of Economics
Collective Consultation on Redundancy - Good news for employers?
Comment on the Children and Families Bill
Comments Made on Social Media Allowed Employer to Fairly Dismiss
Complaint lodged over failing to give equal pay to agency workers
Concerns raised over ‘settlement agreement’ proposals
Consultation on Government's 'employee owner' proposals
COP26: Why Should Employers have an Environmental Policy?
Coronavirus (COVID-19) and the implications for employment law
Coronavirus: What Should Employers Know?
Corporate discrimination- the consequences of the company you keep!
Court of Justice ruling on annual leave and sickness
Covid-19: Can Employers Carry Out Testing in the Workplace?
Creating Positive Relationships: An Employer's Guide for Parent Mental Health Day
Criticism of Government’s plans for mutuals
Dealing with theft in the workplace
Deliveroo Riders Found Not to be Workers for Union Purposes
Diamonds (and Agency Agreements) are Forever?
Discipline Where Conduct is Linked to Disability
Discrimination and Additional Paternity Leave
Discrimination for wearing Islamic headscarf (re Bougnaoui v Micropole SA)
Discrimination: Conflicting Characteristics
Dismissal of Claim of Religious Discrimination by Non-Executive Director who opposed Same-Sex Adoption
Dismissing an employee without warning for serious misconduct is not automatically unfair
Do employees have an absolute right to freedom of expression in the workplace?
Do fathers taking Shared Parental Leave have a right to enhanced pay?
Economic growth needed to prevent further redundancies
Employees admit to cheating on taxi expenses
Employees lack faith in business values
Employees need more support in dealing with harassment
Employees working too many extra hours
Employers and Modern Slavery
Employers more positive on immediate jobs outlook
Employers must tackle their game plan before kick-off
Employers plan to increase permanent staff
Employers Urged to Invest In Wellbeing of Employees
Employers Warned Over Staff Potentially Recording Conversations
Employers’ responsibilities and Christmas Temps
Employer’s duty to prevent sexual harassment: Outcome of the government consultation
Employer’s Liability for Employee’s Wrongdoing
Employer’s loan to employee in scope for Unfair Contract Terms Directive
Employing EU workers after Brexit: New Points Based System
Employment Intermediaries – changes to tax rules for consultants/contractors
Employment Law - when 'Banter' crosses over into abuse
Employment Law 2025: Key Updates
Employment Law and the Election
Employment law changes- what you need to know?
Employment Law in 2018
Employment law legislation changes in April
Employment Law Legislation Update
Employment Law Legislation Update March 2017 – Key Changes To Be Aware Of
Employment law- what’s been happening over the summer?
Employment Law: Things to look out for in 2020
Employment Law: What to Expect in 2021
Employment of EU Workers after Brexit
Employment Status Under Review: Time for Reform?
Employment Status: CitySprint Courier is a Worker
Employment Tribunal Awards £30,000 to Employee Dismissed over Liking Facebook Comment
Employment Tribunal fees now in force
Employment Tribunal Fees – Refund Scheme
Employment Tribunal reforms announced
Employment:The Workplace Post Covid Restrictions
Endometriosis Awareness Month - How can employers #EmbraceEquity and support employees with endometriosis?
Equality is good for business
European Courts Find Greek Police Height Requirements Discriminatory
Exclusivity Clauses in Zero Hours Contracts – enough to exclude employer abuse?
Extended Furlough Scheme – More Detail Published
Extension in the Period Parents Are Able to Take Off Work
Failures in Data Protection can be Costly
Father Wins Sex Discrimination Case – Shared Parental Leave
Female Employment Reaches Record Level
Festive Edition of our regular Employment Law Seminar
Fire and Re-Hire or “Dismissal and Re-Engagement”
Firms Face Backlash for Election Memos to Staff
First Claim Brought Back To Life After Tribunal Fees Deemed Unlawful
Fit for Work Scheme
Flexible Working: How does it Work?
Forced Retirement – Is It Justified?
Former Woolworths Staff Lose Compensation Claim
Formula 1 and the Suspension of an Employee
Furlough extended to April 2021
Furlough extended to September 2021
Furlough Extended: What are the rules?
Furlough extension: what does the new guidance say?
Furlough for working parents
Furlough Scheme: Errors and Penalties
Furloughed employees entitled to redundancy payments based on normal wages
Further furlough changes
GDPR - Growing Desperate? Please Reply.
Gender Discrimination Rife in the UK Despite Scotland Low Female Unemployment Levels
Gender Identity and Protection under the Equality Act
Gender Pay Gap Reporting
General Election 2017 – What the Politicians have to say about Employment Law
Get paid by your employer for travelling around?
Glasgow Council Workers Suffer From Zero Hour Contract Rise
Glass ceiling no longer as relevant for modern career women
Government Consults over Reforms to Public Sector Redundancy
Government contributions towards Job Support Scheme to be increased
Government Issues Consultation on Misuse of Confidentiality Clauses
Government Launches Employment Review
Government outlines unfair dismissal and tribunal reforms
Government Responds to the Taylor “Good Work” Review
Government response to 'Menopause and the Workplace' Report
Government reviews dismissal rules
Government Rule Out No Fault Dismissals
Government seeks views on shared parental leave
Government sets out plans for settlement agreements
Government to Act on “Back Door” Strike Action
Grief Awareness Day
Guidance on Bereavement in the Workplace Issued by Acas
Harpur Trust v Brazel – Holiday Pay
Head of Our Employment Team Marie Macdonald Gains Mediation & Conflict Resolution Qualification
Health & Safety in the workplace and COVID-19
Health problems rife amongst call centre workers
Hear ye, hear ye…three bank holidays in one month?!
Helpline report shows high levels of maternity discrimination
Hidden Reasons for Dismissal
High Profile Employment Law Victory
Holiday pay update- Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels?
Holidays Accrued on Sick Leave
Home and hybrid working: current employment law essentials for people professionals
Home Office Updates Guidance on Preventing Illegal Working
Home or Office?
Homeworking: what should employers be doing as it becomes longer term?
HR Brief - What does the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme mean in practice?
HR Brief: How will the Furlough Scheme change from 1st July 2020?
HR Brief: The Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme: what do we now know?
HR Brief: What does the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme mean in practice?
HR Director Wins Sexual Harassment Tribunal Case
Impact of age discrimination legislation
In the bleak midwinter...
In the Wake of the Glasgow Bin Lorry Disaster: Disclosure of Disabilities vs. Employee Rights
Increase to statutory payments announced
Indirect associative discrimination: a new dawn for anti-discrimination protections?
Indirect Sex Discrimination for Men Not Receiving Enhanced Pay During Shared Parental Leave
International Day of Sign Languages
International Lawyers Network Podcast with Marie Macdonald
International Women's Day: Driving Gender Inclusion in the Workplace
Investigation into the rise in underemployment
Is it misconduct for an employee to make a covert recording at work?
Is Veganism a Protected Philosophical Belief?
It’s Cold Outside: Employment and Adverse Weather
It’s Good to Share
It’s The Most Wonderful (Working) Time of the Year
Job Retention Bonus
Job Support Scheme Extension for Businesses Forced to Close
Job Support Scheme: Support For Business After Furlough
Job Support Scheme: What do we know so far?
Jobs market picks up pace for 2013
Keep data in lockdown while tackling the virus crisis
Key Changes in the Autumn Budget 2024: Increases in Wages and National Insurance Costs
Key Considerations of Running a Family Business
Labour to Extend Equal Pay to Race and Disability
Largest Ever Equal Pay Claim for Network Rail
Launch of Code to Support Promotion of Women to Executive Positions
Law Society Publishes a Report on the Introduction of Employment Tribunal Fees
Learning Disability Week- how employers can support their employees
Leave for Bereaved Parents becomes Law
Legal Ruling set to Rock the UK Radio Industry
Legislative Update
Lessons For Business From The #metoo Headlines
Majority confident their job is secure
Majority of office workers want flexible working
Making Settlement Agreements Work – 5 Tips for Employers
Managing Clashing Personalities – Can I Dismiss?
Manufacturing body sets out priorities for employment reform
Mental Health and Stress in the Workplace
Mental Illness in the Workplace Must be Recognized and Supported
Merry Christmas
Michelin First Company in Scotland to be fined by Employment Tribunal
Miller Samuel Hill Brown lead Scottish Fire & Rescue Service to Success at Tribunal
Minimum wage now lower than eight years ago
Misconduct at Christmas parties
Misconduct at Christmas Parties
Misleading an Employee Could be Grounds for Constructive Dismissal
Monitoring Private Communications not a Breach of Human Rights
Mr Michael Cowie and Others v Scottish Fire and Rescue Service: [2022] EAT 121
National Minimum Wage - Hourly Rate Increases
National Minimum Wage - Named and Shamed
National Minimum Wage Growing by 3%
National Sickie Day: An Employer’s Guide to Dealing with Absenteeism
Navigating Workplace Sexual Harassment: Responsibilities and Best Practices for Employers
New Direction for the Gig Economy Debate
New Duty on Employers to Prevent Sexual Harassment
New Duty to Prevent Sexual Harassment in The Workplace and Guidance for Employers
New employment legislation protects worker’s tips
New employment rights raise another red flag for employers
New Full Time Workers Earning Below Living Wage
New guidance on harassment in the workplace
New Guidance Published on Dress Codes and Sex Discrimination - What Do Employers Need To Know?
New guide on employing older workers
New Minimum Wage Rates to Take Effect From April 2024
New Research Shows Overwhelming Discrimination After Pregnancy
New restrictions on deduction from wages claims
Obesity considered disability by EU
One in five workers on low pay
Outsourcing makes employment relationships more complex
P&O Ferries dismiss 800 members of staff
Paralympics inspire UK business to see ability in disability
Parental Bereavement Leave
Parental leave and flexible working reforms
Part-time workers worry more about redundancy
Pay tensions continue in the workplace
Personal data breaches – can individuals be liable?
Plan to Scrap Employment Tribunal Fees Could Result in More Cases
Plans to review whistleblowing protections
Progress in numbers of women on boards
Promoting diversity and inclusion in the workplace
Pronouns and Gender Identity in the Workplace
Protecting Workers Against Occupational Cancer
Recognising the gender agenda for trans staff
Redundancy fears greater in public sector
Redundancy Protection Changes
Redundancy: How far does the duty to find alternative employment go?
Redundancy: What dismissals count in numbers for collective consultation?
Redundancy: What is the process and what are the alternatives?
Religious Symbols in the Workplace
Reminder "Ask the Expert" Employment Law Seminar March 2018
Reminder: “Ask the Expert”- Holiday Special Employment Law Seminar in conjunction with Syme Drummond - Wednesday 4th June
Research finds GP fit notes not effective
Residential Care Home Successfully Defends Unfair Dismissal Claim By Ex-Employee
Restrictive covenants in employment contracts: Are they effective?
Restrictive Covenants – Exercise Restraint?
Return to Service: Maternity lessons from the world of tennis
Returning to Work after Lockdown – Short term issues
Right to Flexible Working Extended to All
Right to Privacy at Work – Monitoring Employee Emails
Rise in cancer patients facing discrimination at work
Rise in demand for early intervention in workplace disputes
Risk of redundancy remains high in 2013
Royal Assent for Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Bill
Scots Economy Growth Slows But Employment on Rise
Scottish Employment Continues to Grow at Record Rate
Scottish Government Announces Youth Employment Plan
Scottish Government Guidance on Homeworking
Second review of UK State Pension Age (SPA) to conclude in 2023
Seed Enterprise Investment Schemes: Hoping for Fiery Dragons and Angels' Wings
Settlement Agreements and Termination Payments – New Rules
Settlement agreements – the basics
Sexual harassment; recommendations for further workplace protection
Sexual Harrassment in the Workplace
Sexual Orientation: Ensuring Equality in the Workplace
Shared Parental Leave
Shared Parental Leave to Benefit Newly Expectant Couples
Shared Parental Leave – One Year On
Sickness absence
Social Media & Employment: Designing A Digital Conduct Policy
Social media and the workplace: don't get caught in the web!
Social Media – Issues in the workplace
Sports Direct Facing Multi-Million Claim Over Zero Hour Contracts
Stress levels on the rise
Success for Miller Samuel Client SFRS Defending Against Former Grampian Fire Chief's Age Discrimination Claims
Successfully Recovering Debt
Supreme Court upholds decision of Court of Appeal in Pimlico Plumbers Ltd and another v Smith
Suspending employees: what would Alfred Hitchcock do?
Swedish woman discriminated against for refusing a handshake: Lessons for U.K. employers
Tackling taboo of mental ill-health at work
Temporary Changes to Sick Pay Regulations
The 'Retirement' of the Default Retirement Age?
The 12 Tips of Christmas for the Workplace
The Dos and Don’ts of Employment References
The end of the road for Uber
The end of the road for Uber's employment practices?
The four day working week
The Immigration Act 2016 comes into force
The Impact of Employment Tribunal Fees
The key to holiday pay: the door remains Locked
The Living Wage and other Employment Law Changes
The Magnificent 7- statutory employment changes to look out for in 2016
The Message, not the Man: Christian bakers did not discriminate in “gay cake” row
The new Fit for Work service – fit for purpose itself?
The Potential Pitfalls of Pregnancy and Maternity Rights
The Power of Language - Let’s Avoid Discrimination within the Workplace!
The power of naming and shaming: hitting the right note when it comes to banter in the workplace
The Queen’s Speech and employment law
The Taylor ‘Good Work’ Review – Recommendations for the Changing Labour Market
The Tribunals (Scotland) Bill: The Death of the Employment Tribunal in Scotland?
Tis the season to be prepared
To Strike or not to Strike: Employment Law on Industrial Action in the UK
Trade Secrets
Trade Union Bill – a declaration of war or an end to an outdated regime of industrial relations?
Trade Union Reforms Become Law
TUC urges last gasp intervention on tribunal fees
TUPE and Pre Pack Sales in Administration
TUPE- Baldly going where it’s been before!
TUPE: New Rules That Came into Force On 1st July 2024
TUPE: Not just to protect employees?
Two in five flexi-work to avoid commute
UK Employers Face Holiday Pay Claims After Supreme Court Ruling
UK Quarantine list: What happens if employees abroad on holiday have to quarantine on return?
UK Supreme Court Rules Employment Tribunal Fees Unlawful
UK's New Employment Rights Bill: What Employers Need to Know
Unusual Employment Tribunal Cases
Updates in Employment Law
Valentine's Day...The Day of Love.
Vicar Loses Employment Appeal After Court Deems He Is Employed By God
Vicarious Liability and Assault by Employees
Victory for Britain’s Worst Bosses Says New Report on Tribunal Fees
Virtual employees risk burnout
Voluntary overtime may require to be accounted for in holiday pay
Voluntary Overtime should be included in Holiday Pay
What are my rights to sick pay during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic?
What should employers do when some employees are vaccinated and some are unvaccinated?
What's on the cards for Employment Law in 2023?
What’s Next in Diversity and Inclusion? A Move Towards ‘Inclusive Britain.’
When can an employee be suspended?
When does a hug become unacceptable behaviour?
When mini breaks just don’t cut it
When the ACAS Code applies
Whistleblowing policies need more commitment
Why choose an outsourced fixed fee HR service for your business?
Women Must Work Until Age 80 to Earn as Much as Men in Their Lifetime
Women on boards
Work is biggest cause of stress in people's lives
Worker Status: The Saga Continues
Working temperatures – when is it too hot to work?
World Breastfeeding Week
World Mental Health Day - Some key ways to support your workforce
World Mental Health Day: An Employer's Guide
You’re Fired…Then Rehired? Key Points from The New Statutory Code of Practice on Dismissal and Re-Engagement.
Zero hours contracts more widespread than thought
Zero hours contracts – new draft regulations
‘Sleep-in’ workers only entitled to Minimum Wage when awake and working
“Ask the Expert” Employment Law Seminar 8th June 2017
“Ask the Expert”- Festive Edition of our regular Employment Law Seminar: Thursday 28th November 2013
“Ask the Expert”- Free Employment Law Seminar
“Ask the Expert”- Holiday Special Employment Law Seminar in conjunction with Syme Drummond - Wednesday 4th June
“Ask the Expert”- Interactive Employment Law seminar in conjunction with Syme Drummond - Wednesday 8th October
“Brexit” – Implications for Employment Law
Personal Injury Law
20mph Speed Limit to Tackle Road Traffic Accidents in Glasgow
5 Steps to Making a Personal Injury Claim
A9 Average Speed Cameras Lead to Reduction In Accidents
All-Scotland Sheriff Personal Injury Court Holds First Civil Jury Trial
Asbestos Regulations – still fit for purpose or just collapsing into dust?
Barriers to change
Bradford worker injured after just weeks in job
Brake calls for zero tolerance of drug driving
Builder fined after worker injured in roof fall
Call for L drivers to be allowed on the motorway
Calls for change in psychiatric injury law
Calls for EU-Wide Liability Rules for Robots
Calls for Health and Safety Protections to be Maintained Post-Brexit
Can I make a claim for a slip, trip or fall on ice in a public place?
Changes to health and safety regulation
Charity calls for road safety priority
Civil Law Statistics in Scotland
Clarification of the Damages Act - Judge Makes Substantial Award to Grandchildren of Road Traffic Victim
Common sense restored to Health and Safety
Company fined after employee injured in a fall
Compensation Awarded Following Medical Error
Compensation awarded for rugby injury
Compensation for Asbestos Victim’s Family
Compensation for snowball injury
Compensation paid for marching injuries
Concerns Over Mesh Medical Devices
Construction company fined over multiple safety failings
Construction firms sentenced over crane collapse
Continued need for the Health and Safety Executive
Council in court after death of pensioner
Crash Victims Should be Paid For Treatment Only - Lord Hunt
Distracted Drivers Risk Devastating Crashes
Drink driving and cuts a cocktail for disaster?
Ensuring medical implant safety
EU Action to Tackle Work-Related Cancer
EU Health and Safety Framework
EU looks at personal protective equipment
EU-wide campaign to manage stress at work
European Commission Takes Steps to Improve Road Safety
Few countries have adequate road safety laws
Firm fined after scraper bar crushes worker
Firm fined after worker run over by digger
Firm in Court after Worker Loses Both Legs
First reading of partnership prosecution Bill
Government acts on SLC recommendations on prosecution of partnerships
Government Announces Changes to Help Volunteers
Government increases mesothelioma compensation payments
Government promises “new era” for patients
Government red tape ‘obsession’ is a set back for safety law
Growth in Irish personal injury claims
Guidance on fees for clinical negligence experts
Health and Safety Inspections Fall
Hit by an uninsured or untraced driver? Here’s what should happen next…
HSE announces strategy plan
HSE hosts idea sharing event on occupational disease
HSE warns waste and recycling industry over death toll
Improving farm safety
Industrial disease victims central to changes
Injured workers forced to turn detective
Injuriesboard.ie issues report for first half of 2012
Judges Propose New Rules on Compensation in Jury Trials
Judicial College Guidelines- Increase to the Guideline rates
Lack of action over NHS Trusts who ignore patient safety alerts
Latest workplace injury figures show slight improvement
Lawyers challenge whiplash ‘propaganda’
Major review into cosmetic procedures launched
Managing young drivers' occupational road risk
Manufacturer fined after worker's hand trapped in machine
Manufacturing worker seriously injured
Members of the Public Injured by Cows
MHRA seeks views on the regulation of medical devices
Milking firm in court after worker injured at Derbyshire farm
Mobile Phone Use a Common Cause of Road Traffic Accidents
Mobile Phone Use and Work-Related Driving Accidents
More support for mesothelioma victims
Mother Awarded Compensation for Son’s Birth Injuries
New asbestos law launched in Scotland
New Campaign Launched to Protect Drivers in Glasgow
New inquiry into helicopter safety
New minimum sound requirements for hybrid vehicles
New rules on motorbike safety
New support for future mesothelioma victims
No increase in personal injury small claims limit
No ‘have-a-go’ culture for workplace injuries
No-fault compensation scheme proposed for NHS claims
Occupational Cancer Campaign Continues to Gain Momentum
Outcome of review into PiP implant scandal
Overconfidence in young drivers puts lives on the line
Packaging company fined after worker hit by lorry
Parliamentary Committee Questions Civil Court Reforms
Personal injury case statistics published
Personal Injury Law Update: Sharps loopholes will put workers at risk
Personal Injury Trusts
Police Action Called For After Level Crossing Warning Disobeyed
Progress of Partnerships (Prosecution) Scotland Bill
Proof allowed in former fiscal's work-stress damages claim
Prosecutions following asbestos safety failings
Protecting Workers from Workplace Carcinogens
Public's attitude towards 'elf and safety'
Radical proposals to improve road safety in Northern Ireland
Reducing Health Risks in Food Manufacturing
Reducing Young Driver Road Casualties
Reform of Scotland’s civil courts
Reform proposals for Scotland’s courts
Reforming Law on Personal Injury Damages: A Call for Modernisation
Regional quirks of road traffic accidents
Remembering the importance of at-work safety
Report Reveals Increase in Fatal Road Traffic Accidents
Response to Civil Law of Damages consultation
Rise in number of children killed on Scotland’s roads
Rise in Road Traffic Fatality Numbers
Road traffic accidents and casualties in Scotland
Royal Mail & CWU appeal over dog attacks
Safety failings led to worker's injury
Safety initiative targets schools and universities
Scotland’s Court Reform Will Revolutionise Personal Injury Claims
Scottish Ambulance Service board fined after passenger death
Scottish Court Delays as More Courts Set to Close in 2015
Scottish Government Introduces Damages Bill
Scottish Government publishes drink driving limit consultation
Seven survive concrete collapse
Sharp rise in deafness claims
Sheriff court ‘overhaul’ needed
Silk weaving firm in court over safety breaches
Sparing families the trauma of death and injury
Spending cuts threaten road safety
Stricter safety checks proposed for breast implants
Structured Settlement – Damages in Personal Injury Claims
Support for idea of specialist personal injury court
Supreme Court rejects compensation scheme claim
Supreme Court rules in mental capacity after injury case
Supreme Court rules on mesothelioma liability 'trigger'
Surgeon imprisoned over patient’s death
Survey Reveals Biggest Road Safety Concerns
Tackling Cancer-Causing Diesel Emissions
Tackling the Health Risks of Silica Dust
Tackling Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders
The Costs of Work-Related Accidents
The Impact of Young Driver Crashes
THINK! urges motorcyclists to 'stay in control'
Tougher Assisted Suicide Law Needed
Tradespeople Still at Risk from Asbestos
Understanding the Compulsory Pre-Action Protocol (“CPAP”) for Personal Injury Claims
Unscrupulous employers facing tougher health and safety penalties
Vulnerable road users need greater protection
Whiplash claims are the highest personal injury claim, according to new figures
Whiplash Claims Fall Following New Act
Woman loses duty of care damages claim
Work Left Paralysed Following Fall from Height
Worker's fall leads to court for two companies
Workplace Fatality Statistics
Workplace stress poses risk to health
£165,000 Fine Over Eye Injury
Contract Law Update: Third Party Rights
Enforcing a CCJ in Scotland
Evaluating the Revaluation: A look at the Impact of the 2017 Non-Domestic Rates Revaluation
Non-Domestic Rates Relief to alleviate the impact of COVID-19 on Businesses
Successful Conviction Under The Bribery Act Provides Warning For Companies
Commercial Property
5 Things to Consider when Taking a Lease of Commercial Premises
Asbestos and Commercial Premises: What you need to know
Avoiding Commercial Lease Disputes
Back in business – the returning demand for office space in the Central Belt
Beware of Business Rates
Break Clauses in Leases - What do they do?
Can I get out of a commercial lease early?
Changing retail habits: the end of an era for traditional shopping
Commercial Landlords and Water Charges: What Do You Need To Know?
Compliance Concerns
COP, Carbon & Commercial Property
Dealing with Tenant Insolvency
Enforceability of Real Burdens
Home from Home - or Home for Hire?
Increasing Demands from Landlords for Greater Protections: Rent Deposits and Personal Guarantees in Commercial Leases
Is ‘wild camping’ legal in Scotland?
Land and Building Transaction Tax – Commercial focus in Scotland
LBTT and ADS - A Perfect Storm?
Lease or Licence to Occupy – What are the Differences and Advantages / Disadvantages?
Long Leases (Scotland) Act 2012
Making Use of the Scottish Government’s GP Sustainability Loan Scheme
Meet the team: Commercial Property
Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards for Commercial Property
Office To Accommodation: Is Converting Dormant Office Space for Residential Use the Way to Rejuvenate Town & City Centres?
Office to Apartment: Is Converting Office Space to Residential Units a Worthwhile Venture?
Penalties for Late LBTT Return Quashed
Plans lodged for Edinburgh Green
Plans Lodged For Shawlands Arcade Multi-Million Pound Regeneration Project
Private rented accommodation and tenancy deposit schemes
Purchasing Commercial Property at Auction – Is the Risk Worth the Reward?
Rent Reviews – What Do They Mean for Landlords and Tenants?
Retail tenants should check the small print
Tacit Relocation: A Guide to Understanding its Implications in Practice
Termination of Leases in Scotland - The Current Law & Potential Reforms
The 2023 business rates revaluation for commercial properties
The commercial landlord in a pandemic: What to do about lease arrears
The Impact of COVID-19 on Missives
The Land Registration etc. (Scotland) Act 2012 – Scottish conveyancing's coming of age.
The Migration ‘Out of Town’ and Changing Workspaces
The rule of 14 – irritating a commercial lease for non-payment of rent
The ‘hot’ topic- Energy efficiency and its growing importance in the Commercial Property Sector
Three Year Itch
Ways we can make cities and town centres USEful again!
With-holding of landlord’s consent in practice
“As-you-were”? Leases, Companies and the Crown
“The Winds of Change” – The ScotWind Programme
Residential Property
A Prisoner in your Own Home
Buying a House in 2017
Buying a house in 2017
COVID-19: Business as usual?
Fire and Smoke Alarms
First buying guide in Scotland
First Home Fund: A New Shared Equity Scheme
First-Time Buyer Relief for LBTT and General Exemptions
Getting on the 'property ladder': A guide for the first time buyers in Scotland
Is it an early bed for Glasgow’s Airbnb scene?
Japanese Knotweed and Residential Property
Land and Building Transaction Tax – The Elimination of Stamp Duty Land Tax in Scotland
Land ownership transparency register
Landlord’s consent not to be unreasonably withheld – what does this mean?
Market Boom in the Wake of New LBTT Rates
Mortgage Payments Upon Separation
New Builds: the pros and cons of buying a new build property in today’s market
Private Housing (Tenancies) (Scotland) Act 2016
Private Residential Tenancies - Major Changes for Residential Tenancies
Property Prices Rise Sharply Ahead Prior To New Tax
Purchasing a Listed Building in Scotland
Real Estate and the Carbon Challenge: Operational v Embodied Carbon
Register of Persons Holding a Controlled Interest in Land
Shedding Light on Solar Panels and House Purchases
The Additional Dwelling Supplement Increase in Scotland
The Devil’s in the Detail
The New Private Residential Tenancies in Scotland - All Change for Landlords and Tenants
The Scottish souvenir title “scams” – a storm in a teacup?
The Tolerable Standard: New Alarm for Homeowners?
The Uniqueness of Conveyancing
Title Indemnity Policies – a practical solution to ‘title defects’
Top Tips for Reducing Stress While Purchasing Your Dream Home
UK Government to introduce new Residential Property Developer Tax
Understanding LBTT & ADS When Purchasing a Property
Your Future With Equity Release
Employment Law in Scotland - The Hot Topics – Seminar on 25 May 2017
GDPR and Employment – Free Seminar
MSHB News & Announcements
A 50-Year Reflection: An Interview with Michael Samuel
A Fond Farewell
Ah, But There’s a Caveat…
AJ Bell Great Scottish Run: Trainee Solicitors Raise Funds for Glasgow City Mission
Appointments at MSHB
Being a Litigation Trainee in the time of Covid
Celebrating 40 Years
Celebrating Academic Excellence: Holly Lafferty Recognised for Outstanding Achievement
Charity Committee – Total Raised for 2022 for Maggie's and Chosen Charities for 2023
Chloe Crawford and Arlene Dunbar Appointed to Law Society of Scotland Committees
City Set to Impress International Delegation
Congratulations to Eilidh McGuire and Laura MacSporran on their promotion
Covid-19 update - We are open for business and here to help
David Phinn Promoted to Associate in Litigation Team at MSHB
David Phinn promoted to Senior Solicitor
Delighted To Announce The Appointment Of New Consultant, Siobhan Kelly
Delighted to announce the appointment of Senior Solicitor, Zibya Bashir
Diving into the World of Law: Insights from David Phinn's 5-Year Journey at Miller Samuel Hill Brown
During times of worldwide uncertainty, MSHB have still got your back!
Exciting Developments in Our Family Law Department at MSHB
First Charity Fundraiser of 2023 - Bake Off
Highlights from the LawNet Annual Conference: Driving Innovation in the Legal Sector
In the Media - October
International Lawyers Network: Miller Samuel Named Firm of the Month
International Women’s Day - #EmbraceEquity
International Women’s Day Panel Event: An Interview with Marie Macdonald
Law Awards Scotland 2015 - Linda Reilly
Licensing Solicitor Vacancy in Glasgow
Life as a Trainee Solicitor at Miller Samuel Hill Brown
Litigation Solicitor (Predominantly Family Law) Vacancy
Maggie's Lanarkshire Three Peaks Challenge: The Follow Up
Maggie’s Lanarkshire Three Peaks Challenge
Making a Difference in Our Communities and Supporting Glasgow's Charities
Marie MacDonald elected Director of International Lawyers Network
Marie Macdonald quoted in Evening Times article regarding fitness instructors ‘teaching tax’ dispute
Marie Macdonald speaks at Scots Law Employment Conference
Meet Tessa Hickey: Our Newly Qualified Solicitor in the Employment Team!
Meet the Team: Employment
Michael Samuel Awarded Law Society of Scotland Honorary Membership
Miller Samuel adds 3 new partners
Miller Samuel Assumes Three New Partners
Miller Samuel Hill Brown Appoints Edward Laverty as Chief Executive
Miller Samuel Hill Brown Celebrates Top Rankings in Chambers and Legal 500 Rankings
Miller Samuel Hill Brown Maintains Band 1 Chambers Status for Two Decades
Miller Samuel Hill Brown Make A Difference
Miller Samuel Hill Brown Named in The Times Best Law Firms 2022
Miller Samuel Hill Brown Promotes Ruth Medlock to Senior Solicitor
Miller Samuel Hill Brown Recognised In 2023 Best Lawyers UK
Miller Samuel Hill Brown Welcomes the New Year With Promotions
Miller Samuel Hill Brown Welcomes Two New Trainees
Miller Samuel Movember Update - Week 1
Miller Samuel Movember Update - Week 2
Miller Samuel Movember Update - Week 3
Miller Samuel offering two legal traineeships in Scotland
Miller Samuel takes part in Movember!
Miller Samuel Vacancy: Experienced Executry Paralegal in Glasgow
Miller Samuel's Latest News
Movember Update - the end is in sight!
MSHB Announces Charity Partnership for 2024
MSHB are delighted to announce top rankings in Chambers and Legal 500 guides
MSHB are delighted to support International Women’s Day
MSHB brave the hot coals for Maggie's
MSHB Partners With Maggie’s as its Charity Of The Year
MSHB Pot Luck Lunch - Charity Fundraiser
MSHB Raises £4,282.50 For Maggie’s
MSHB Responsible Business Policy: Poll Results 2023
MSHB Take On Scotland’s Legendary Kiltwalk Again
MSHB Welcomes New Family Law Paralegal, Ellen Matthews
MSHB Welcomes New Licensing Paralegal, Arlene Dunbar
MSHB Welcomes New Private Client Paralegal, Tracy Dempsey
MSHB Welcomes New Senior Associate, Jacqueline Alleyne
National Pet Month 2024
New Trainees: Chloe and Anna
Proud to champion 100 years of women in law
Proud to support Simon Community
Reflections of a Trainee Solicitor: My First Three Months at Miller Samuel Hill Brown
Remembering Rubylu: A Tribute to a Brave Soul
Scottish Legal Awards 2023 Finalists
Soaring for a Cause: Miller Samuel Hill Brown Raises Funds for Glasgow City Mission
Stepping Out for Simon Community Scotland
Stride for a Cause: MSHB joins the Kiltwalk and Makes a Difference!
Team MSHB Return to the Iconic Glasgow Kiltwalk
Team MSHB Take Up The Kiltwalk for Charity
The MSHB Traineeship Programme
Too much guidance?
Trainee Testimonial: Anna Fox, Trainee Solicitor
Trainee Testimonial: Chloe Crawford, Trainee Solicitor
Trainee Testimonial: Dru Nicholson, Trainee Solicitor
Trainee Testimonial: Iona Dougall, Trainee Solicitor
Two Miller Samuel Finalists in the Law Awards of Scotland 2014
We are delighted to announce Marie Macdonald as our new Chairman
We are looking forward to ‘virtually’ attending the Law Society of Scotland Law Fair
Welcome to our new trainee - Amy Emmerson
Welcome to our New Trainee Solicitor, Allan Millar
Welcome to our new trainees
Wishing You a Merry Christmas
‘Tis the Season of Goodwill – An online shopper’s guide to consumer rights
Private Client
Blood is Thicker than Water
Body Donation – Donating your Body to Medical Science
Buying a Property at Auction – too Good to be True?
Challenging the Validity of a Will
Changes to Succession Law in Scotland
Cohabitation Rights on Death
Legal Rights and Why You Can’t Disinherit a Child in Scotland
Making a Will During the Pandemic
No Will, no problem?
Organ Donation – what does the law in Scotland say?
Over My Dead Body? Compulsory burial of a deceased person in Scotland
Residence Nil Rate Band
Save the Date: The Upcoming Deadline for Registering Trusts with HMRC
Signing Wills during lockdown
Succession and The Family Business
When the Will isn't Always the Way - Challenging a Will in Scotland
When there’s a Will…
Where There’s A Will…
‘Killer’ Loophole Closed – The Effect of The Trust and Succession (Scotland) Bill
17 Million Reasons Why Friday 13th Is Unlucky…
A Consumer’s Guide to Christmas for gift recipients
A quick guide to disabled access at summer events
Access Rights in Scotland
Airline Claims
Bankruptcy, insolvency & rehabilitation proceedings: An international guide
Billions Tied Up in Small Business Disputes
Boxing Day And January Sales : The rules about returns
Businesses Sign Up to Prompt Payment Code
Calls for Greater Protection for Small Business Owners
Can you claim compensation if you are injured skiing or snowboarding?
Cash-Flow and Debt Recovery in Uncertain Economic Times
Caveats: a useful tool for litigators
Civil Litigation Bill Introduced to Scottish Parliament
Combined Standard Clauses
Come fly with(out) me
Commercial Eviction: Non-Payment of Rent
Consumer Credit Act
Coronavirus Measures in Scotland – What’s expired and what’s been extended?
Council Wins Planning Decision Appeal
Court Restoration of a Company to the Register in Scotland
Cyber-vandalism and Augmented Reality
Data Protection and Damages
Dispute Over Kensington “Beach Hut”
Dispute over Ownership of Bowling Clubhouse
Dispute over Ownership of the ‘Killie Pie’
Fall in Scottish Insolvency Numbers
Five top tips for businesses dealing with unpaid invoices
Foreign Decoder Streaming and the Premier League – An Offside Goal?
Funny Money: The New Pound Coin – Is your Business Ready?
Garden Alterations and Neighbour Disputes – Resolving Conflicts
Gone but not gone forever – how to restore a dissolved company
GOOP-S!: Gwyneth Paltrow & Sports/Leisure Injuries
Government Consults over Court Fee Changes
Government Proposes Shake-up of Insolvency Regime
Government Publishes Guidance on Late Payment Reporting
High Hedges Legislation Not Being Used Effectively
HSBC, Barclays and RBS Currency-Rigging Settlement
Interest on Court Awards
It's all in the timing: Litigation Contractual Disputes
Judicial Review & the 2008 Singapore Grand Prix
Keep the change or Time for change?
Keeping the Faith?
Lack of Tenancy Agreements can Cause Disputes
Late Payment is a Serious Problem for Businesses
Legal Action on Behalf of Shareholders Expected Against Tesco
Litigation and Caveats Under the Land Registration etc. (Scotland) Act 2012
Litigation in Scotland: New Simple Procedure Rules
Major changes to cost regime in personal injury cases
Mannai Investment Co Ltd v Eagle Star Assurance Co Ltd
Miller Samuel Hill Brown Solicitors represent clients at very first hearing at First-Tier Tribunal for Scotland (Housing and Property Chamber)
Multiple Tenants and the Tenancy Deposit Scheme
Music and Dental Waiting Rooms
Neighbours take High Hedge Dispute to Scottish Government
New Approach to Business Insolvency in Europe
New Bill Establishes 6 Month Pause on Debt Recovery Action for Mental Health Sufferers
New Bill to Reform Laws of Prescription
New Research Reveals Impact of Late Payment
New Simple Procedure for Small Claims
New Test Case launched against Glasgow Refugee Evictions from Serco homes
Non-domestic Water and Waste Rates – Should You Go With the Flow?
Once bitten, twice shy
Our pledge to be a net-zero firm by 2035
Outer House judgment favours employer contracts of employment
Personal Injury Litigation in Scotland: Time-bar in historic child abuse cases
Planning Committee Confusion Leads to Voting Error
Private rented accommodation and tenancy deposit schemes
Private Residential Tenancies: Rent Increases
Proposals to Give More Businesses Access to Financial Ombudsman
Protecting Intellectual Property Rights
Public right of way claims - what are they, and can they be prevented?
Recent UK Supreme Court Cases
Recording Studio Victorious in Property Dispute
Recovery of Documents Prior to Substantive Court Action
Reform in the Private Rented Sector: The Private Housing (Tenancies) Bill
Rent Eviction Ban Lifted- What This Means for Landlords
Residential buildings and cladding: what you need to know
Restoring a Scottish Company to the Register of Companies
Rise in Debt Decrees against Scottish Companies
Safer Internet Day - cyberbullying, social media and the law
Scottish Civil Litigation Bill Passes
Scottish Government Expected to Extend Limitations on Landlords in Scotland
Scottish Law Commission Seeks to Clarify Enforcement of Title Conditions
Sequestration (bankruptcy) changes
Settling Cross-Border Disputes Post-Brexit
Single-Use Plastics… Not Fantastic
Sleigh-What!: Is Santa Owed a Duty of Care?
SMEs Owed Billions in Outstanding Invoices
SMEs Owed Billions of Pounds in Late Payments
Start the new tax year with better debt recovery processes
Summary Dilligence
Suppliers Concerned over Debt Repayment Following BHS Administration
The Amended Planning (Scotland) Bill – a missed opportunity?
The Ancient Right of Drainage and the New M74 Motorway
The House Always Wins? Courts, Casinos and 'Cheating"
The Statutory Right to Claim Interest and Compensation on the Late Payments of Commercial Debts
Tips for Effective Debt Recovery
Trick or treat: The dos and don'ts of Halloween
TV Star Involved in Planning Dispute
Understanding Time Bar in Legal Claims: Key Considerations and Recent Changes in Scottish Law
Update on eviction ban and rent freeze
Voice Activated Nightmare
When is a promise not a promise?
‘Atypical Workers – current issues and reform’
‘Without Prejudice’ Communications – What is Protected?
“...this does not affect your statutory rights” – an explanation
A look at how Insolvency can affect a premises licence
A Whistlestop Q & A On Children and Young Persons in Licensed Premises
Age Verification Update
Alcohol to order…
Best Bar None Award Scheme Launches Across Scotland
Bottomless Brunches? Not in Scotland!
Brexit: What next for minimum alcohol pricing?
Changes to Glasgow outside seating consents for 2023
Changes to Theatre Licensing 2021
Coming Up: The 'New' Overprovision
Embracing the Festive Spirit: Extended Licensing Hours in Scotland
Extended licensing hours during COP26 a welcome boost for the hospitality trade
Glasgow Opening Hours for Pubs, Clubs, and Restaurants Extended During UCI Cycling World Championships
Glasgow's New 1 am Pilot Scheme for On Sales Premises within The City Centre
In the Nic of Time: What you need to know about the new Nicotine Rules from 1 April
Insolvency and Licensing
Landlord and Tenants: How can you protect your Premises Licence?
Legal Responsibilities for Personal Licensing
Licence to Screen: What's Required?
Licensing & Festive Extensions
Licensing Board Policy Consultations 2022/2023
Licensing Board Policy Statements
Licensing Boards Growing Focus on Ensuring Staff Can Get Home Safely
Licensing during an unprecedented crisis
Live Consultation on Restricting Promotions of Food and Drink High in Fat, Sugar or Salt – How Does This Affect the Licensed Trade?
Lockdown-easing dates: A rocky road ahead
Minimum Pricing Judgment: What's Round The Corner?
Minimum Unit Pricing – will it affect you?
New “protection of workers” law in force: who are the “workers”?
Occasional Licences – Should there be limits?
Online Alcohol Sales – What you need to know to get started
Outdoor drinking is here to stay!
Personal Licence Renewals: A Rollercoaster Ride
Personal Licences: A Guide to Refresher and Renewal
Personal Licences: The Looming Meltdown
Personal Licences: Training, Renewals and Lockdown
Queen’s Jubilee: General Extension to Licensed Hours
Renewing a Personal Licence
Restricting the advertisement and promotion of alcohol
Sail Away With Me...
Scottish Government Consultation on Permitted Development Rights
Short-Term Lets in Scotland – Where Are We Now?
Street Trader’s Licences
The Big Licensing Conference 2017
The Big Licensing Conference 2018
The Chambers and Legal 500 rankings are out!
The Licensed Hours Lottery – Did your numbers come up?
The Social Hub Glasgow: A Unique Hospitality Model and Licensing Success
This year’s Chambers and Legal 500 rankings are out…
Tighter Rules for Pet Trade
Tipping Legislation
Vaccine passports are coming
We are delighted to report that our Licensing department is going from strength to strength.
Work is Good for us: A New Twist on Public Health
GDPR Blogs
Christmas in doubt…
Data Protection and Employee Monitoring: what are the risks?
Data Protection Certification Announcement
Data Protection: BT fined for unsolicited marketing communications
Data Protection: Employer not vicariously liable for data breach by rogue employee
Data Protection: Home Security Systems and Legal Compliance
Employer vicariously liable for personal data breach
Enforcing the GDPR
Fines Fly Following Airline Cyber Breach
GDPR and the use of CCTV
GDPR What Now?
GDPR – Tricky issues for employers
GDPR – Where Are We Now?
GDPR: Next of Kin Information
Hospitality: Collecting Customer Details
I’ll make a note of that – asking to see your medical records
Significant Fine for Google following GDPR breach
Subject access requests: access denied = unfair dismissal?
Peter Lawson awarded a CBE in King's Birthday Honours 2023
Medical Negligence Blogs
What You Need to Know About Medical Negligence and Making a Legal Claim
Guest Blog: A Summer Placement Experience at Miller Samuel Hill Brown
Guest Blog: Summer Placement at Miller Samuel Hill Brown
Guest Blog: Top Tips for Summer Placement at Miller Samuel Hill Brown
National Careers Week: Traineeship ‘Seat’ Rotation and a Day in the Life of a Trainee at MSHB
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News & Insights
Read the latest insights from our team
Thursday, 20 February 2025
Navigating Workplace Sexual Harassment: Responsibilities and Best Practices for Employers
Read the full article
Wednesday, 19 February 2025
Chloe Crawford and Arlene Dunbar Appointed to Law Society of Scotland Committees
Read the full article
Tuesday, 18 February 2025
Understanding Domestic Abuse in Scotland: Your Guide to Legal Remedies with Police and Family Law Solicitors
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