We would be delighted if you could join us for the festive edition of “Ask the Expert”, our regular employment law seminar, which will take place on Thursday 28th November.
As those of you who attended will know, in the previous sessions held this year we have focussed on the wide-ranging changes made to employment law as a result of the government’s red tape review. However, for the last instalment of 2013, we intend to go back to our more traditional format of dealing with the questions and queries which are causing you problems in your day to day work. In addition, we will also look at those particular issues in the workplace that can cause headaches in the run up to Christmas.
As this will be last seminar of the year, we thought it would be a good opportunity to get everyone in the Christmas party mood by ditching the tea and coffee and replacing them with a few glasses of wine (although we will avoid making it the mulled variety in November!). As such, the seminar will be taking place at the end of the working day, rather than our usual lunch time slot. Hopefully, this will allow everyone an opportunity to network without the need to rush back to the office. The other arrangements for the seminar are:
Location: 29, Royal Exchange Square, Glasgow
Date: Thursday 28th November 2013
Registration: 4.30pm
Seminar: 4.45- 5.45pm
Networking (and wine!): 5.45 onwards
Cost: FREE
If you would like to reserve a place for you, your colleagues and/ or any contacts, please email linda@millersamuel.co.uk.
If anyone has any questions they would like us to deal with at the seminar, these can be emailed in advance (and in complete confidence) to employment@millersamuel.co.uk. However, we will be happy to deal with any questions asked on the night. Given our focus has been on legislative developments at the recent seminars, we are sure that you will have used this time to prepare some taxing questions for us to deal with!
We look forward to seeing you on the 28th!