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International Lawyers Network Podcast with Marie Macdonald

international lawyers podcast

We are delighted to share our Chairman, Marie Macdonald’s recent podcast for the ILN. It has been said more than once that these are unprecedented times, almost overnight the world had to adapt to a completely different way of living and working owing to Covid-19.

Part of Marie’s leadership role as Chairman for Miller Samuel Hill Brown means the firm has had and continues to navigate and plan ahead in difficult and rapidly changing times. In this podcast with Lindsay Griffiths, Marie talks candidly about what changes were implemented at Miller Samuel Hill Brown and why, how lessons learned in 2008/2009 prepared her to face the challenges of 2020, and what lies ahead.

From making tough decisions, adjusting to a fully remotely way of working, to preparing for a return to work that encompasses a thorough risk assessment and social distancing, you can listen to full podcast by clicking here.

Lockdown-easing dates: A rocky road ahead